Jawatan Kosong di Volvo Car Malaysia Sdn Bhd - 29 Sept 2017

Volvo Malaysia Sdn Bhd is a wholly owned subsidiary of AB Volvo, Sweden. We are the sole distributor of Volvo AB truck and Bus, Marine and Industrial Engine, Construction Equipment including ancillary after sales parts and service.


1. Retail Operations Executive

2. Assistant Logistics Manager

Closing date : 24 September - 29 September 2017

Click Job Requirement And Job Description

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Jawatan Kosong Terkini 2016 di Volvo Car Malaysia Sdn Bhd

Company Overview

Volvo Malaysia Sdn Bhd is a wholly owned subsidiary of AB Volvo, Sweden. We are the sole distributor of Volvo AB truck and Bus, Marine and Industrial Engine, Construction Equipment including ancillary after sales parts and service.

Why Join Us?

The Essential Part
Your job takes up a large portion of your daily life. We're sure you don't need us to tell you that a stimulating working environment is essential to your well-being.

At Volvo Trucks, we put a lot of effort into creating a working environment that provides our employees with the opportunity to use and expand their skills, knowledge and creative potential, as well as to take an active part in the company's development and future.

Why shouldn't we, when we know that your competence, commitment and enthusiasm are an essential part of our ability to succeed?

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