Jawatan Kosong di Huawei Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd - 11 May 2017

Huawei is a leading global ICT solutions provider. Through our dedication to customer-centric innovation and strong partnerships, we have established end-to-end capabilities and strengths across the carrier networks, enterprise, consumer, and cloud computing fields. We are committed to creating maximum value for telecom carriers, enterprises and consumers by providing competitive ICT solutions and services.


UC&C Pre-Sales Solution Manager

Database Administrator (MRO AMS) - Outsourcing

IP Pre-Sales Solution Manager - MRO (Enterprise)

HR Specialist (Training Talent Development)_SP

Key Account Manager (Based in Sarawak)

Procurement Manager (MRO Delivery)

Regional Field Operation Lead - MRO AMS (Outsourcing)

Reporting Engineer - MRO AMS (Outsourcing)

Businss Architect - SP

IT System Administrator (MRO AMS) - Outsourcing

Business Admin Assistant - Global

RF Engineer (Global)

Core Network Engineer (Global)

Wireless Network Engineer (Global)

Network Product Engineer (Global)

Billing Associate _Global

Exhibition Technical Trainer_SP (Outsourcing)

Customer Support Engineer (IT) - G

more jobs available…

Closing date : 18 April - 11 May 2017

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Jawatan Kosong Terkini 2016 di Huawei Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd

Kerja Kosong Terkini Huawei

Company Overview

Huawei is a leading global ICT solutions provider. Through our dedication to customer-centric innovation and strong partnerships, we have established end-to-end capabilities and strengths across the carrier networks, enterprise, consumer, and cloud computing fields. We are committed to creating maximum value for telecom carriers, enterprises and consumers by providing competitive ICT solutions and services. Our products and solutions have been deployed in over 170 countries and regions, serving more than one third of the world's population.

Huawei's vision is to enrich life through communication. By leveraging our experience and expertise in the ICT sector, we help bridge the digital divide by providing opportunities to enjoy broadband services, regardless of geographic location. Contributing to the sustainable development of society, the economy, and the environment, Huawei creates green solutions that enable customers to reduce power consumption, carbon emissions, and resource costs.

Why join us?

Huawei's vision is to enrich life through communication. By leveraging our experience and expertise in the ICT sector, we help bridge the digital divide by providing opportunities to enjoy broadband services in Southern Pacific and around the world. Huawei creates green solutions that enable customers to reduce power consumption, carbon emissions and resource costs, contributing to the sustainable development of the society, economy, and the environment across the Asia Pacific region.

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